Retail Merchants Payment Services (RMPS) is assigned and working as a Super Aggregator under the agreement with UnionPay International QR Code Merchant development and under the license from Summit Bank & DIB. Deployment in 4 major cities in 2018-19 with merchant base of 30,000 Planning to advance in remaining 1st tier cities in 2019-20. Introducing Pakistan’s first NFC Tags to be deployed at merchant locations powered by Huawei Pay & UPI Unified App
Our Vision
Our Partners
E-MERCHANTS FACTORY provides facilitation of payments through channels including but not limited to QR, HCE, NFC, POS, mPOS, USSD, APP, E-Commerce, Biometric, Cash-In, Cash-Out, Cards Issuance, Cards Acceptance, Merchants Signup, Merchants Onboarding, Merchants Training, Merchants Management, Merchants Activation, Merchants SMS Notification , Discount, Loyalty, Cashbacks and transactions processing services through Global Payment Schemes (GPS), Domestic Payment Scheme, Inter-Bank Network (Switch), Financial Institutions (Fl), Payment Service Providers (PSP), Payment Service Provider (PSO), Financial Technologies (FinTech), hosted platforms, individuals and entities to its customers (the E-services”). E-MERCHANTS FACTORY intends to develop a network with commercial establishments to enable its E- services’ to make payments in relation to purchase if goods and services through the E-Services channels. The Merchant Establishment has agreed to be part of the network of commercial establishments enabling it to undertake transactions through the E- services, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter agreed.